Friday, October 18, 2019

Ancient Chinese Contributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Ancient Chinese Contributions - Essay Example Ancient Chinese has been recognized for a variety of inventions and contributions to mankind. Since ancient periods in China have been categorized according to dynasties, the ten most useful inventions and contributions noted and attributed to Chinese ingenuity and innovativeness are as follows: the building of the Great Wall of China and the multiplication table during the Qin or Ch’in Dynasty; the invention of the compass and paper making during the Han Dynasty; making of tea and matches during the Era of Disunity; making of porcelain during the Sui Dynasty; gunpowder in the Tang Dynasty; and finally, printing and wine making during the Sung Dynasty (Inventions, Innovations and Other Contributions from Ancient China). Of course there are other notable discoveries and contributions during ancient times but these inventions rise above the rest in terms of creating significant impact on the growth and development of civilizations around the world. From among these ten remarkable contributions, one strongly believes that the four most ingenious and innovative are the building of the Great Wall of China, paper making, printing, and the compass. The Great Wall of China has been renowned worldwide as one of the wonders of the world and as such, the building of the wall that reaches an immense length of about 8,850 kilometers or 5,500 miles long (Rosenberg) is a commendable task even to be imagined as such ancient times when materials and labor skills have not even been considered sophisticated or advanced. Paper making was likewise attributed to the ancient Chinese and have provided the impetus for the creation of paper currency and other documents that could be preserved. Due to the discovery, fast amounts of recording and documentation of historical events, famous writings, art works and literary pieces have been effectively archived. Printing, on the other hand, is also a relevant contribution as it

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